Forestry specialist in CHESTNUT WOOD
Tel : 09 67 81 74 55
Forest exploitation
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Forest exploitation

Dos Sentos Pereira Logging

Our forestry operations have been equipped with suitable and professional equipment and know-how and experience necessary for the manual or mechanized logging of wood and with respect for it for over 25 years. We have two longshoremen and a harvester, with a team of 15 loggers on the ground.

Our know-how and equipment allow us to be present every day in the field and to respond as quickly as possible to requests, whether of private or public origin, for professionals or for individuals.


Our products and services

Our forest exploitation located in Haute-Vienne offers you a range of services and products: :

- Buying wood on the feet (forests), whether you are a private, a company or a public body

- Sale of wood on the roadside (quality of logs, energy wood and pulp)

- Sale of firewood



Dos Santos Pereira, in Glandon in Haute-Vienne, near Saint Yrieix la Perche, has been offering quality firewood per unit of stere for many years. For more informations and pricing contact us with our contact form or by phone us on +335 55 75 11 54.

Delivery within a radius of 60km around Glandon and possible removal on site.

Two ranges of firewood available, in 33cm, 50cm or 1m:

- 1st quality: HARD WOOD (Oak, Beech, Charm)

- 2nd quality: WOOD (Chestnut, Merisier, Birch)



Exploitation forestière de châtaignier par une abat­teuse Exploitation forestière de châtaignier par un bucheron.
Exploi­ta­tion fores­tière Dos Sen­tos Per­eira de châtaignier. Exploi­ta­tion fores­tière Dos Sen­tos Per­eira de châtaignier par une abatteuse.



16 Rue de Moissac
Tél : (+33)9 67 81 74 55
Email :


16 Rue de Moissac
Tél : (+33)5 55 75 11 54
Email :

Contact us with ease !

Do you have a question or need to know more about one of our services ? So do not hesitate any more and contact us. We will meet your needs.